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About Leyline Press

Leyline Press is a London based tabletop gaming company. We produce indie tabletop roleplaying games and sci-fi & fantasy adventure modules for a wide range of systems.

These include Salvage Union, a post-apocyptic Mech tabletop RPG, as well a classic fantasy adventures compatible with Old School Essentials and science fiction modules compatible with Mothership the Sci-Fi Horror RPG.
Our main goal is to release games that we'd enjoy playing and running ourselves.
The company was founded in 2021 by two avid game designers and friends Aled Lawlor & Panayiotis Lines. The authors of Mew-Tants! and Shadow of Mogg respectively. Together they bring a wealth of design and industry experience to 'live the dream' making tabletop games. 

Aled Lawlor

Our in house art and layout expert, Aled (he/him) is keen on tactile materials and alternative print methods. He's particularly fond of Risograph printing due to the inks and papers available. Currently running an Old School Essentials and a Forbidden Lands campaign, you can find him on Twitter @aledlawlor.

Panayiotis Lines

Panny (they/them) works on the writing and design elements of our tabletop roleplaying games and modules. They also handle social media, PR, and marketing. They are a 'forever GM  with a passion for old school fantasy games who is currently running two D&D campaigns. You can follow their ramblings on twitter @panny_lines