Press Release: Leyline Press Announces Launch of Salvage Union Beta Quickstart and Dragonmeet Attendance.

Posted by Panayiotis Lines on

(London, 23/11/21, for immediate release) 

Leyline Press announces release of the free Salvage Union Quickstart PDF and Dragonmeet attendance. 

Leyline Press has announced the launch of the free Salvage Union Quickstart PDF. 

This can be downloaded for free by joining the Salvage Union Discord ( ) or signing up to the Salvage Union Newsletter here.

Salvage Union is a post-apocalyptic Mech game powered by the Quest RPG that focuses on fast paced, narrative mech action with a simple and widely accessible rules set. 

The Quickstart PDF includes

  • The core rules to play and run sessions of Salvage Union including the core mechanic, combat, heat and salvaging. 

  • 6 Premade Mechs 

  • 6 Premade Pilots 

  • A sample scenario ‘The Downing of the Atychos’ 

  • A sample of the Downtime and Crafting System within Salvage Union to modify your premade mechs and build your own Mechs including lots of tables.

  • Additional Weapons, Systems and Modules for your Mechs. 

  • Additional NPC mechs, pilot and creature profiles with some customisation options. 

  • A sample BIO-TITAN 

  • Guidance for The Mediator (GM) to create and run scenarios of their own.  

Playtest games of Salvage Union are currently being arranged within the Discord which has a full timetable within. 

Leyline Press are also doing a limited run of physical Quickstarts which will be available at the gaming convention Dragonmeet on the 4th of December at the Novotel in London Hammersmith. The physical quickstart will be available for free for anyone attending the convention who has backed Salvage Union on Kickstarter. Playtest sessions will be run at Dragonmeet too.