Happy Mech Monday!
Every week we ask the community to design new Mech patterns for a Salvage Union Mech Chassis.
This week we asked salvagers to design builds for the new Gatecrasher siege Mech, unlocked as the £80,000 stretch goal in the Salvage Union Starter Set campaign. Our favourite wins a free copy of the Salvage Union Starter Set!
Thanks so much for all your amazing submissions.
You can download the entire compilation of Mech Monday Gatecrasher Mechs here.
You can download the blank Mech Monday Gatecrasher Template to create your own here.
Here's the submissions for this week!
Cornerstone Pattern by Murkdice

Crash Cart Pattern by Laughing Penguin

KAM Pattern by Laughing Penguin

One Punch Pattern by CosmicX

Pioneer Pattern by ShyGuy

Quaestor Pattern by Titan

Retiarius TereBro Pattern by blk_ivy

Tsunami Pattern by DemonDownload

Special Mention
FluffyBunnyEars broke all the rules this week and submitted their build on paper (in a pen and paper game!), the art and Mech design is awesome, with each System and Module drawn on, and we wanted to highlight the excellent work.
Sapper Pattern by FluffyBunnyEars

And our favourite is...
Retiarius Terebro Mech by blk_ivy

Originally designed around heavy mining and resource capture, the Terebro is a pneumatic impact driver, designed to use a heavy modular mining rig, capable of activating in short drives as a saw, or in a more longwinded format, capable of impact drilling. Either way, the real star is when the system's heat limiters are overridden- a sudden explosion of massive drilling power slammed into a single point, resulting in massive hemorrhaging on mech-scale systems.
In order to prevent overheating, a similarly scaled cooling system has been installed, allowing for the use of active thermal cooling- although this drains batteries, it allows for quick recouperation.
However, due to the overwhelmingly resource-management oriented design, this chassis framework is incredibly heavy and has virtually no space for any other form of ranged weaponry, nor even the most basic of hacking tech- this isn't a combat frame afterall, it's a resource capture system. And exceedingly effective when it's up close.
It was another round of superb submissions but we have to pick a favourite and this week it's the TEREBRO Pattern by Kasane, it's a strong industrial build useful for both salvaging and combat in play, we loved the classics inspired name, and the Mech was designed using only Systems and Modules in the Salvage Union Quickstart, showing what you can do even with a limited amount of hardware!
Congratulations to Kasane, who wins a free copy of the Salvage Union Starter Set.
Until our next Mech Monday, happy Salvaging!
Salvage Union Starter Set BackerKit Campaign
The Salvage Union Starter Set Campaign has fully funded and we're smashing through stretch goals! You can pledge your support by clicking here.Follow the Salvage Union Starter Set Campaign here.
The Salvage Union Core Book, and adventure modules, are available to buy here.
You can download the free Salvage Union QuickStart here.
You can join the Salvage Union Discord here - https://discord.gg/gmM6jTT8qm
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