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Happy Mech Monday! Introducing the new Bobcat Mech and Salvager.

Posted by Panayiotis Lines on

Hello and Happy Mech Monday Salvagers!

We've got a special Mech Monday for you today as we reveal the new Bobcat Mech from the upcoming Salvage Union Starter Set, with art by Alex Connolly.

Designed by Opus Institute as a general purpose construction Mech. The NL-9 ‘Bobcat’ was instrumental in the efforts to restore the central wastelands after Impact Day. Salvager Bobcat teams were sent out to support in the reconstruction of settlements reduced to ruin by the impact, or buried under the ash.This proved an effective recruiting method for the Salvage Union.

The BobCat is designed as a Tech 1 Mech that will come paired with the Salvager Pilot Class, as a premade Pilot and Mech combo, in the Salvage Union Starter Set

New Salvager Pilot Art

We're also excited to reveal the new Salvager Pilot Class art by Francesco Silva that will also be in the starter set box. We're planning on new art for all six core classes in the game for the Starter Set and can't wait to show you more. We'd love to hear what you think! 

The Union wants your BobCat Builds! - Our favourite wins a free Salvage Union Starter Set

This Mech Monday we want your BobCat Mech patterns, as part of our Mech Monday design challenge. 

Our favourite build will win a coupon that can be redeemed on BackerKit for a free copy of the Salvage Union Starter Set, as part of the upcoming Salvage Union Starter Set Campaign. 

More details on how to enter your Mech Pattern below.


We want your most creative pattern builds for the new BobCat Mech, a construction focused Mech with a huge power magnet, which we know will be used responsibly by a salvaging crew.  We choose based on what we find the most evocative of the world of Salvage Union. We'll highlight our favourite across our channels, with the winner this week getting a free copy of the Salvage Union Starter Set on BackerKit.

A Mech pattern always includes a brief piece of 'fluff' description on the build, and a list of Systems and Modules mounted on the Mech. 

You can download an editable BobCat Mech Monday Template here.

You can use any Systems and Modules in the Salvage Union Core Book as well as Rainmaker, False Flag, and We Were Here First! There is no Scrap limit or Tech Level limit, only your System and Module Slots. 
Each Mech Pattern needs the following:
  • Pattern Name
  • Pattern Description
  • System List
  • Module List 
  • Your preferred name to credit you with.

To submit:

ALL submissions must use the "BobCat Mech Monday Template" you can download here.

You can submit in the following ways:

1. Post your completed build in the mech-monday-submissions channel in the Salvage Union Discord
2. Post your submission to tagging @salvageunion with the #mechmonday hashtag.
3. E-mail your submission to with the heading 'Mech Monday Submission.'

Final submissions deadline will be by Sunday the 29th of September at 6 PM BST.
Any questions please let us know via e-mail or Discord.

All written content of your Mech Monday Pattern submissions will be owned by their creators. Submitting a build grants Leyline Press permission to share your build across their social media channels and newsletter.


Salvage Union Starter Set BackerKit Campaign Launch

The Salvage Union Starter Set Campaign launches on Backerkit on the 1st of October 2024 (01/10/2024). We're incredibly excited for the launch. You can follow the campaign here to be alerted as soon as it goes live.

Follow the Salvage Union Starter Set Campaign here.

The Salvage Union Core Book, and adventure modules, are available to buy here.

You can download the free Salvage Union QuickStart here.

You can join the Salvage Union Discord here -

Follow Salvage Union on Twitter - @salvageunion

Follow Salvage Union on Instagram - @salvageunionrpg

Subscribe to the Leyline Press newsletter here to receive updates Salvage Union and our other games.



  • Hi Josh,

    Oops! Thanks for the update on that. Should be fixed now.

    You can also download the Bobcat Template directly here:

    Panny (Leyline Press) on

  • Just wanted to let you guys know that the two links to the editable template don’t link to the template. The link leads to a jpg of the Bobcat premade. Excited to enter this and get thinking about Salvage Union again.

    Josh Howard on

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