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Mech Monday Mule Patterns

Posted by Panayiotis Lines on

Happy Mech Monday!

Every week we ask the community to design new Mech patterns for each of the Salvage Union Mech Chassis.

For our first week we've asked and had a slew of fantastic entries. Thankyou so much to everyone who submitted, these are all wonderfully creative and unique designs from the Salvage Union Community that we're delighted to showcase below. 

You can download the entire compilation of Mech Monday Mule Patterns here.

You can download the blank Mech Monday Mule Template to create your own here.

Appleseed Mule by Lott Vanfield

Bola Spider Mule by Chris

Glorified Truck Mule by Moonshadow

Guardian Angel Mule by Moonshadow

Honey Bee Mule by GeCCo8

Party Buss Mule by Bero

Ravager Mule by Alarik

Steambender Mule by Lokir

Surprise Mule by TTIO

Swayback Mule by 6

Weatherboy Mule by Plot_Twists

WAGON Mule by Multi

And the Winner is!

Steambender Pattern Mule by Lokir

We're incredibly grateful for all of the submissions, however for both going above and beyond in creating a miniature for the pattern, and for the inventiveness of the build combining the flamethrower and hose, the winner is Lokir for their Steambender Pattern Mule submission who wins a £10 voucher to the Leyline Press store.

Join us next Monday the 22nd where we'll be asking for more of your Mech Monday submissions!


Vote Salvage Union for the ENNIE Awards!

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Salvage Union has been nominated for 3 ENNIE Awards, Product of the Year, Best Game, and Best Rules. You can vote for it here:

Salvage Union is now available to buy here.

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