Happy Mech Monday!
Every week we ask the community to design new Mech patterns for a Salvage Union Mech Chassis,
To celebrate the upcoming launch of the Salvage Union Starter Set we asked salvagers to design builds for the new 'Bobcat' construction Mech, with our favourite winning a free copy of the Salvage Union Starter Set.
Thankyou all so much for your submissions.
You can download the entire compilation of Mech Monday Bobcat Patterns here.
You can download the blank Mech Monday BobCat Template to create your own here.
Bill e pattern by Reaver1280

Court Cat Pattern by LordMe

Guano Pattern by Enioch

Mag-Train Pattern by Flashstriker

Magic Bus Pattern by Gremlin

Nyaa Pattern by Plot

Osiris Pattern by Lokir

And our favourite is...
Nyaa Pattern by Plot

Despite the post-apocalyptic theme Salvage Union has always been a game which is comfortable with putting it's tongue in its cheek from time to time, and we can't help ourselves with a good cat meme. Especially one that can be combined with our game Mew-Tants! where you can play as the Nyan-Cat. (We love a crossover episode.)

Thanks to Plot for their submission who wins a free copy of the Salvage Union Starter Set coming to BackerKit on October 1st!
Thankyou to everyone again for all your fantastic submissions, they show the wonderful creativity of the Salvage Union community. We'll be back next week with another Mech Monday!
Follow the upcoming Salvage Union Starter Set on Backerkit here.
Salvage Union is now available to buy here.
You can download the free QuickStart here: https://leyline.press/products/salvage-union-quickstart-1
You can join the Salvage Union Discord here - https://discord.gg/gmM6jTT8qm
Follow Salvage Union on Twitter - @salvageunion
Follow Salvage Union on Instagram - @salvageunionrpg
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